Biography of Sock Ping Yeoh

Last update: 19 days ago


Sock Ping Yeoh joined YTL Corporation in 1984. Mr. Yeoh Sock Ping was ranked by both Fortune and Businessweek magazines as Asia's 25 Most Powerful and Influential Business Personalities and one of Asia's Top Executives by Asiamoney. He won the inaugural Ernst & Young's Master Entrepreneur in Malaysia in 2002 and was named as Malaysia's CEO of the Year by CNBC Asia Pacific in 2005. In 2006, he was awarded the Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (CBE) by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, and received a prestigious professional accolade when made a Fellow of the Institute of Civil Engineers in London in 2008. He was the Primus Inter Pares Honouree of the 2010 Oslo Business for Peace Award, for his advocacy of socially responsible business ethics and practices. The Award was conferred by a panel of Nobel Laureates in Oslo, home of the Nobel Peace Prize. He also received the Corporate Social Responsibility Award at CNBC's 9th Asia Business Leaders Awards 2010. He received the Lifetime Achievement Award for Leadership in Regulated Industries at the 7th World Chinese Economic Summit held in London in 2015. He was also awarded the prestigious Muhammad Ali Celebrity Fight Night Award at the 2016 Celebrity Fight Night in Arizona.

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Sock Ping Yeoh has a Bachelor of Science (Hons) Degree in Civil Engineering from Kingston University and an Honorary degree of Doctor of Laws from University of Nottingham.

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