Generate Biomedicines


Generate Biomedicines is owned by Flagship Pioneering.

Flagship Pioneering has 22 subsidiaries including Alltrna, Apriori Bio and Cellaritybio.

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Acquisition, funding and merger involving Flagship Pioneering.


View the org chart displaying its 24 main executives

Most searched biographies at Generate Biomedicines
Popular executive movements at Generate Biomedicines
  • Lisa Wyman, who was Senior Vice President, Technical Operations and Quality, is promoted to Chief Technical Operations Officer  (posted on May 1 2024).
  • Kimberly White has joined the company as Chief Corporate Affairs Officer  (posted on May 1 2024).
Popular executive movements at Flagship Pioneering
  • John Lepore will join the company as Chief Executive Officer-Partner and Chief Executive Officer of Profound Therapeutics on Oct. 16, 2023  (posted on October 3 2023).
  • Amanda Kay, who was Operating Partner and President of Metaphore Biotechnologies, is promoted to Senior Partner and Chief Business Development Officer  (posted on September 12 2023).
  • Jason Gardner has joined the company as Director, Chief Executive Officer-Parter and Chief Executive Officer of Ampersand Biomedicines  (posted on August 15 2023).

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