CSI 500

CSI 500: Next 500 largest China capitalizations.

Company Stock Ticker Industry Country Phone Corporate Website Identifier
3 Peak Incorporated CN - 688536 Semiconductors China +86 215 109 0810 www.3peakic.com.cn/En d0ly8
Accelink Technologies CN - 002281 Consumer Electronics China +86 278 769 2735 en.accelink.com 0ql9z
Aecc Aero-Engine Control CN - 000738 Aerospace China +86 510 8570 7738 www.aaec.com.cn 10dv1
Aima Technology Group CN - 603529 Automotive China +86 225 959 6888 aimatech.net 1qr58
Aisino CN - 600271 Information Technology & Services China +86 108 889 6666 www.aisino.com 2jv8j
Amlogic CN - 688099 Semiconductors China +86 215 080 3377 www.amlogic.cn ovej7
Andon Health CN - 002432 Medical Equipment China +86 228 761 1660 www.jiuan.com qv7xn
Angel Yeast CN - 600298 Engineering & Design China +86 717 636 9865 en.angelyeast.com 10v8q
Anhui Anke Biotechnology CN - 300009 Biotechnology China +86 999 999 9999 www.ankebio.com xwmq0
Anhui Jianghuai Automobile Group CN - 600418 Automotive China +86 216 159 0282 jacen.jac.com.cn x5nw9
Anhui Kouzi Distillery CN - 603589 Wine & Spirits China +86 561 689 9999 www.kouzi.com d2p08
Anjoy CN - 603345 Food China +86 592 688 4968 www.anjoyfood.com xw4mj
Anker Innovations Technology CN - 300866 Consumer Electronics China +86 731 8870 9537 www.anker-in.com n6m7w
AnSteel CN - 000898 Metal China +86 412 841 7273 ansteel.com.cn nme7
Apeloa Pharmaceutical CN - 000739 Pharmaceuticals China +86 579 8655 7494 www.apeloa.com qmd5j
APT Medical CN - 688617 Healthcare China +86 755 8695 1506 www.aptmed.com 1vz24
Asia-Potash CN - 000893 Chemicals China +86 208 550 6292 www.asia-potash.com 4p2l9
ASR Microelectronics CN - 688220 Semiconductors China +86 216 0336 5888 www.asrmicro.com 10r7q
Autobio Diagnostics CN - 603658 Biotechnology China +86 371 6798 5313 www.autobio.com.cn d278m
AVIC CN - 688297 Aerospace China +86 286 023 6682 www.avicuas.com x84rw
Avic Aviation High Technology CN - 600862 Aerospace China +86 108 570 1902 www.avicht.com.cn 809z0
Avic Heavy Machinery CN - 600765 Machinery China +86 851 8860 0765 www.hm.avic.com e2y12
AVIC Helicopter CN - 600038 Aerospace China +86 451 8652 8350 www.hafeigroup.net rwenm
Baiyin Nonferrous Group CN - 601212 Metal China +86 943 881 0832 bynmc.com qmvwe
Bank of Changsha CN - 601577 Banking China +86 731 8511 1950 www.cscb.cn 0qpnz
Bank of Guiyang CN - 601997 Banking China +86 400 119 6033 www.bankgy.cn 7q4d7
Bank of Lanzhou CN - 001227 Banking China +86 400 889 6799 www.lzbank.com 2eq0p
Bank of Suzhou CN - 002966 Banking China +86 512 6986 8556 www.suzhoubank.com 5eyxw
Bank of Xian CN - 600928 Banking China +86 298 728 0364 www.xacbank.com 4erzq
Bank of Zhengzhou CN - 002936 Banking China +86 371 6700 9199 www.zzbank.cn lpv79
BBMG Corporation CN - 601992 Materials China +86 106 641 1587 www.bbmg.com.cn x9qxp
Beijing Capital CN - 600008 Utilities China +86 106 835 6169 www.capitalwater.cn 90m1e
Beijing Compass Technology Development CN - 300803 Financial Services China +86 108 255 9988 www.compass.cn v0z45
Beijing Dabeinong Technology Group CN - 002385 Food China +86 108 285 6450 www.dbn.com.cn xwmz0
Beijing Easpring Material Technology CN - 300073 Electrical & Electronic Components China +86 105 226 9718 www.easpring.com.cn wlm8e
Beijing Enlight Media CN - 300251 Media China +86 106 451 6000 www.ewang.com 70pl7
Beijing Huafeng Test and Control Technology CN - 688200 Semiconductors China +86 106 372 5652 hftc.com.cn jd55q
Beijing Jingneng Power CN - 600578 Utilities China +86 106 556 6807 www.jingnengpower.com 8149v
Beijing Sinnet Technology CN - 300383 Information Technology & Services China +86 106 418 1150 www.sinnet.com.cn 8q5jm
Beijing YanDong MicroElectronic CN - 688172 Semiconductors China +86 105 097 3019 ydme.com 1vzp1
Beijing Yanjing Brewery CN - 000729 Beverages China +86 108 949 5511 www.yanjing.com.cn zr7n5
Bethel Automotive Safety Systems CN - 603596 Automotive China +86 553 566 9308 www.btl-auto.com 8p6om
Betta Pharmaceuticals CN - 300558 Pharmaceuticals China +86 571 8926 5665 www.bettapharma.com lwm16
BGI CN - 300676 Biotechnology China +86 755 2527 3620 www.genomics.cn p8m0p
Biokangtai CN - 300601 Biotechnology China +86 400 880 6992 www.biokangtai.com 107vm
Biwin Storage Technology CN - 688525 Semiconductors China +86 755 2671 5739 biwin.com.cn 4qy2w
BlueFocus CN - 300058 Communication & Sales China +86 105 647 8800 www.bluefocusgroup.com ywm0v
Bluestar Adisseo CN - 600299 Farming China +86 106 195 8710 www.bluestar-adisseo.com/en/index.php/index 80p2r
BOC International CN - 601696 Holding China +86 216 860 4866 www.bocichina.com vpj0e
BTG Hotels CN - 600258 Hotels China +86 106 601 4466 bthhotels.com/en y45vr
Buchang Pharmaceuticals CN - 603858 Pharmaceuticals China +86 6-400678982 www.buchang.com jmd8v
By-health CN - 300146 Healthcare China +86 400 091 6916 www.by-health.com 10np4
Caida Securities CN - 600906 Financial Services China +86 311 6600 6426 www.s10000.com ryo97
Caitong Securities CN - 601108 Financial Services China +86 571 8782 1312 www.ctsec.com 5epqr
Canmax Technologies CN - 300390 Textiles China +86 512 6285 2336 canmax.com.cn oze77
Capchem CN - 300037 Chemicals China +86 755 8992 4512 www.capchem.com 4xn2q
Cathay Biotech CN - 688065 Biotechnology China +86 215 080 1916 www.cathaybiotech.com ryoyq
CECEP Solar Energy CN - 000591 Environmental Services China +86 106 224 8896 www.cecep.cn 20exq
CECEP Wind Power CN - 601016 Environmental Services China +86 106 224 8714 cecwpc.cn 089r8
Centre Testing International CN - 300012 Business Services China +86 755 3368 3666 www.cti-cert.com 6w0n5
Chacha Food CN - 002557 Food China +86 551 222 7008 www.qiaqiafood.com ww7l8
Changchun BCHT Biotechnology CN - 688276 Biotechnology China +86 431 8187 1543 bchtpharm.com mdl1p
Changjiang Securities CN - 000783 Financial Services China +86 276 579 9825 www.cjsc.com.cn 112x8
Changsha Jingjia Microelectronics CN - 300474 Semiconductors China +86 731 8273 7008 www.jingjiamicro.com 20ndp
Chengdu Xingrong Environmental CN - 000598 Environmental Services China +86 288 529 3300 en.cdxrec.com 10vw1
Chengxin Lithium CN - 002240 Forest & Wood Products China +86 755 8255770 www.cxlithium.com z4w2d
Chifeng Jilong Gold Mining CN - 600988 Precious Metals & Minerals China +86 476 828 3822 www.600988.com.cn 1pmre
China Aerospace Times Electronics CN - 600879 Aerospace China +86 278 479 2199 www.catec-ltd.cn 20de7
China Automotive Engineering Research Institute CN - 601965 Automotive China +86 236 882 5531 caeri.com.cn 4q4jw
China Baoan CN - 000009 Holding China +86 755 2517 0382 www.chinabaoan.com qy0me
China Film Group CN - 600977 Entertainment & Travel China +86 140 0120 9145 zgdygf.com jxywv
China First Heavy Industries CN - 601106 Heavy Electrical Equipment China +86 452 681 0123 cfhi.com 90xmd
China Greatwall Technology Group CN - 000066 Computer Hardware China +86 755 2663 4759 www.greatwall.com.cn y6dpv
China Hainan Rubber Industry Group CN - 601118 Plastics China +86 898 3166 9317 www.hirub.cn jm2xo
China International Marine CN - 000039 Maritime China +86 755 2669 1130 www.cimc.com qpx65
China Marine Information Elctrncs CN - 600764 Defense & Space China +86 108 222 2765 www.cmie.csic.com.cn 4xvjq
China Meheco CN - 600056 Pharmaceuticals China +86 106 711 6688 www.meheco.com xwmyj
China Merchants Port CN - 001872 Logistics China +86 755 2682 8888 www.cmport.com.hk xr66n
China National Medicines CN - 600511 Pharmaceuticals China +86 106 727 1828 www.cncm.com.cn nm1yq
China National Software & Service CN - 600536 Software China +86 106 215 8879 www.css.com.cn e2ym0
China Nuclear Engineering CN - 601611 Engineering & Design China +86 108 830 6639 www.cnecc.com 4e4vo
China Petroleum Engineering CN - 600339 Chemicals China +86 108 277 8926 cpecc.cnpc.com.cn/encpebj/Home/Home.shtml e2lnm
China Railway Construction Heavy Industry CN - 688425 Machinery China +86 731 8407 1702 www.crchi.com 228wq
China Railway Hi-tech Industry CN - 600528 Highways & Railroads China +86 105 302 5528 en.crhic.cn pxyr1
China Rare Earth Resources and Technology CN - 000831 Mining China +86 797 839 8390 cmreltd.com v8l9e
China Resources Double-Crane Pharmaceutical CN - 600062 Pharmaceuticals China +86 106 439 8099 www.dcpc.com 6w659
China Science Publishing and Media CN - 601858 Publishing China +86 106 403 4581 www.cspm.com.cn 664o4
China South Publishing & Media CN - 601098 Publishing China +86 731 8589 1098 www.zncmjt.com e2mz1
China Southern Power Grid CN - 688248 Utilities China +86 203 812 1080 csg.cn 4ro48
China Southern Power Grid Energy Efficiency and Clean Energy CN - 003035 Utilities China +86 203 812 2705 ny.csg.cn x870w
China Southern Power Grid Energy Storage CN - 600995 Utilities China +86 203 837 2943 www.es.csg.cn 1qre8
China Spacesat CN - 600118 Defense & Space China +86 106 811 8118 www.spacesat.com.cn pjd28
China TransInfo CN - 002373 Information Technology & Services China +86 105 082 2100 www.ctfo.com yw5yr
China XD Electric CN - 601179 Electrical & Electronic Components China +86 298 883 2222 www.xdect.com.cn nm20w
ChinaLin Securities CN - 002945 Financial Services Hong Kong +852 3728 1500 www.chinalin.com 4ep0r
Chinese Universe Publishing And Media CN - 600373 Publishing China +86 791 8589 6008 www.jxpp.com vw0d6
Chongqing Fuling Groupe CN - 002507 Engineering & Design China +86 237 222 2635 www.flzc.com e2y80
ChongQing Rural Commercial Bank CN - 601077 Banking China +86 23 6763 792 www.cqrcb.com ez8d0
Chongqing Taiji Industry Group CN - 600129 Pharmaceuticals China +86 238 988 6129 www.taiji.com 5prwr
Chongqing Water CN - 601158 Utilities China +86 236 386 0827 www.cncqsw.com 09ljo
Chow Tai Seng Jewellery CN - 002867 Luxury Goods China +86 755 6186 6669 www.chowtaiseng.com jml51
CICT Mobile CN - 688387 Software China +86 278 769 1459 cictmobile.com 228jq
Citic Heavy Industries CN - 601608 Machinery China +86 379 6408 8888 www.citic-hic.com dvlj4
CNOOC Energy Technology & Services CN - 600968 Oil & Gas China +86 108 452 8003 cenertech.cnooc.com.cn pxo6r
COFCO Capital CN - 002423 Financial Services China +86 8500 6688 www.cofco.com/en/Investors/Zhongyuan_Special_Steel/ 6w0o5
Cofco Tunhe Sugar CN - 600737 Food China +86 991 617 3332 www.cofco.com/en/Investors/COFCOTunhe/ rwnmq
Cosco Shipping Development CN - 601866 Maritime China +86 216 596 6666 en.development.coscoshipping.com wpwv
CSPC Innovation Pharmaceutical CN - 300765 Biotechnology China +86 311 6780 9843 www.xnwpharma.net q7290
Dajin Heavy Industry CN - 002487 Energy China +86 105 783 7708 dajin.cn 9pvo4
Dashenlin Pharmaceutical Group CN - 603233 Retail China +86 208 128 4688 www.dslyy.com ovj25
Datang International Power Generation CN - 601991 Utilities China +86 108 800 8678 dtpower.com 2mp
Deppon Logistics CN - 603056 Logistics China +86 213 928 8106 www.deppon.com ww1qe
DFD CN - 002407 Chemicals China +86 391 280 2245 www.dfdchem.com 8015r
DHC Software CN - 002065 Software China +86 106 266 2288 www.dhcc.com.cn 90p8r
Dong'e Ejiao CN - 000423 Healthcare China +86 635 326 2315 www.dongeejiao.com vwnj0
Dongguan Yiheda Automation CN - 301029 Machinery China +86 186 8112 9026 www.yiheda.com p6enn
Dongxing Securities CN - 601198 Financial Services China +86 106 655 5246 www.dxzq.net xro59
DSBJ CN - 002384 Metal China +86 512 6628 1215 www.dsbj.com wwqpv
E-Hualu CN - 300212 Information Technology & Services China +86 400 610 1996 www.ehualu.com mew4p
Eastern Air Logistics CN - 601156 Logistics China +86 212 236 5112 www.eal-ceair.com 1pwq8
Easyhome CN - 000785 Retail China +86 400 650 3333 www.juran.com.cn v607e
Ecovacs CN - 603486 Consumer Electronics China +86 512 6587 5866 www.ecovacs.com 4ew58
Eoptolink Technology CN - 300502 Telecommunications China +86 286 708 7999 www.eoptolink.com z6wq5
Everdisplay Optronics CN - 688538 Semiconductors China +86 213 110 6888 everdisplay.com jdoql
Fangda Carbon New Material CN - 600516 Materials China +86 931 623 9220 www.fdtsgs.com nnyj7
Farasis Energy CN - 688567 Electrical & Electronic Components China +86 797 732 9849 www.farasis.com e2jzm
FiberHome CN - 600498 Electrical & Electronic Components China +86 800 880 0787 www.fiberhome.com/en/default.aspx ovdmw
First Capital Securities CN - 002797 Financial Services China +86 755 2383 8868 www.firstcapital.com.cn rwn4p
Flyco Electrical Appliance CN - 603868 Consumer Electronics China +86 215 285 8888 www.flyco.com e2mx5
Foton Motors CN - 600166 Automotive China +86 108 070 8888 www.foton.com.cn or6o8
Fujian Funeng CN - 600483 Utilities China +86 591 8621 1273 www.fjec.com.cn 1vd44
Fujian Kuncai Material Technology CN - 603826 Chemicals China +86 591 8558 8083 www.fjkuncai.com 6p2ow
Fujian Sunner Development CN - 002299 Farming China +86 599 795 1250 www.sunnercn.com 0q785
Fushun Special Steel CN - 600399 Metal China +86 245 667 8441 www.fs-ss.com n6n0v
G-bits Network Technology CN - 603444 Video Games China +86 592 318 0222 www.g-bits.com 0qle5
Gan & Lee Pharmaceuticals CN - 603087 Biotechnology China +86 108 559 7868 www.ganlee.com 80m70
GCL System Integration Technology CN - 002506 Energy China +86 512 6983 2999 en.gclsi.com wzq9m
GEM China CN - 002340 Electrical & Electronic Components China +86 755 3338 6666 en.gem.com.cn 6w66r
Giant Network Group CN - 002558 Video Games China +86 213 397 9999 www.ga-me.com dodm
Ginlong Technologies CN - 300763 Electrical & Electronic Components China +86 574 6580 2188 www.ginlong.com n6n18
Goldwind Science & Technology CN - 002202 Energy China +86 106 751 1996 www.goldwindglobal.com pwm81
Goodix CN - 603160 Software China +86 755 3333 8828 www.goodix.com ww5dz
GoodWe Technologies CN - 688390 Semiconductors China +86 512 6239 7978 goodwe.com.cn 7xd5r
Grandjoy Holdings Group CN - 000031 Real Estate China +86 108 501 7888 www.grandjoy.com nm1ww
Great Wall Securities CN - 002939 Financial Services China +86 755 8351 6072 www.cgws.com rw167
GRG Banking Equipment CN - 002152 Machinery China +86 206 287 8545 www.grgbanking.com/en vwz2l
Guangdong Electric Power Development CN - 000539 Utilities China +86 208 757 0276 www.ged.com.cn 2j67j
Guangdong Fenghua Advanced Technology CN - 000636 Electrical & Electronic Components China +86 758 284 4724 www.fhcomp.com 4eqdo
Guangdong HEC Technology CN - 600673 Chemicals China +86 769 8537 0225 www.hec-al.com 8012r
Guangdong Hongda Blasting CN - 002683 Mining China +86 203 809 2888 www.hdbp.com 0qyeo
Guangdong Kin Long CN - 002791 Materials China +86 769 8216 6666 www.kinlong.com wwmlv
Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport CN - 600004 Airport Services China +86 20 3606 699 www.gbiac.net/byairport-web/index xwvnn
Guangzhou Development CN - 600098 Oil & Gas China +86 203 785 0968 www.gdg.com.cn e2y41
Guangzhou Great Power Energy and Technology CN - 300438 Electrical & Electronic Components China +86 203 919 6852 www.greatpower.net 8p29r
Guangzhou Haige Communications CN - 002465 Communication & Sales China +86 208 208 5571 www.haige.com ovj9w
Guangzhou Port Group CN - 601228 Logistics China +86 208 305 0922 www.gzport.com 4epjw
Guizhou Space Appliance CN - 002025 Electrical & Electronic Components China +86 851 8869 7168 www.gzhtdq.com.cn nv027
Guobo Electronics CN - 688375 Electrical & Electronic Components China +86 256 909 0053 www.gbdz.net w5mzv
Guolian Securities CN - 601456 Financial Services China +86 510 8283 2912 www.glsc.com.cn m6ndp
Guosheng Financial Holding CN - 002670 Financial Services China +86 755 8825 9800 www.gsfins.com 0q7dw
Guoyuan Securities CN - 000728 Financial Services China +86 551 6220 7968 www.gyzq.com.cn xw8nw
GW Compos CN - 300699 Materials China +86 631 562 8100 www.gwcfc.com 902pd
Hainan Drinda New Energy Technology CN - 002865 Semiconductors China +86 898 6680 2555 drinda.com.cn qvzvn
Haisco Pharmaceutical Group CN - 002653 Pharmaceuticals China +86 893 783 4870 www.haisco.com xwezp
Hang Zhou Great Star Industrial CN - 002444 Engineering & Design China +86 571 8160 1388 www.greatstartools.com d2j54
Hangcha CN - 603298 Machinery China +86 571 8892 6755 www.hcforklift.com 1vd54
Hangjin Technology CN - 000818 Chemicals China +86 278 220 0722 www.hangjintechnology.com 1vd24
Hangke Technology CN - 688006 Electrical & Electronic Components China +86 571 8221 0886 www.chr-group.net 1pw84
Hangzhou Binjiang Real Estate Group CN - 002244 Real Estate China +86 571 8698 7771 www.binjiang.com.cn 0q7mw
Hangzhou Chang Chuan Technology CN - 300604 Semiconductors China +86 571 8509 6193 hzcctech.com p6evn
Hangzhou Ezviz Network CN - 688475 Consumer Electronics China +86 400 878 7878 www.ezviz.com jq67v
Hangzhou Iron & Steel Group CN - 600126 Metal China +86 571 8813 2917 www.hzsteel.com xwm2p
Hangzhou Lion Electronics CN - 605358 Semiconductors China +86 571 8659 7260 www.li-on.com n6w9w
Hangzhou Oxygen Plant Group CN - 002430 Oil & Gas China +86 571 8586 9078 www.hangyang.com 0epj5
Han’s Laser CN - 002008 Machinery China +86 755 8663 2700 www.hanslaser.net ywqz5
Haohua Chemical Science & Technology CN - 600378 Chemicals China +86 288 596 3417 www.hhkj.chemchina.com 8p6zm
HBIS Group CN - 000709 Metal China +86 311 6677 8886 hbisco.com zy7w5
Hebang CN - 603077 Chemicals China +86 286 205 0230 www.hebang.cn 0qlp8
Hebei Sinopack Electronic Technology CN - 003031 Semiconductors China +86 311 8393 3966 sinopack.com.cn 9p2p0
Hebei Yangyuan Zhihui Beverage CN - 603156 Food China +86 318 232 9090 www.hbyangyuan.com ovd9w
Hefei Meyer Optoelectronic CN - 002690 Machinery China +86 551 6530 6653 www.meyer-corp.com 90el0
Heilan Home CN - 600398 Apparel China +86 510 8612 1071 www.heilanhome.cn xrod0
Heilongjiang Agriculture CN - 600598 Agriculture China +86 451 5519 5963 www.hacl.cn qm7r0
Henan Shenhuo Coal and Power CN - 000933 Mining China +86 370 598 2466 www.shenhuo.com ldq7r
Hengdian Group DMEGC Magnetics CN - 002056 Materials China +86 579 8655 1999 www.chinadmegc.com nm1vv
Hengyi Petrochemical CN - 000703 Chemicals China +86 571 8387 1991 www.hengyi.com z0y8v
Hisense Group CN - 600060 Consumer Electronics China +86 532 8387 88 www.hisense.com dly68
Hisense Home Appliances CN - 000921 Household Products China +86 757 2836 2570 hxjd.hisense.cn 664m4
Hongfa Technology CN - 600885 Electrical & Electronic Components China +86 592 610 6688 www.hongfa.com/?link=cn rw2om
Hoymiles CN - 688032 Energy China +86 571 2805 6101 hoymiles.com 1qnzm
Hoyuan Green Energy CN - 603185 Machinery China +86 510 8539 0590 www.hoyuan.com n6r58
Huaan Securities CN - 600909 Financial Services China +86 551 6516 1691 www.hazq.com ywyjr
Huafa Industrial CN - 600325 Real Estate China +86 756 828 2111 www.cnhuafas.com 4eq6w
Huafon Chemical CN - 002064 Textiles China +86 577 6515 0000 www.spandex.com.cn d2j0o
Huagong Tech CN - 000988 Electrical & Electronic Components China +86 278 718 0126 www.hgtech.com.cn 10vq1
Huaibei Mining CN - 600985 Mining China +86 561 495 1956 www.hbkykg.com 90eye
Huaxi Securities CN - 002926 Financial Services China +86 288 615 0207 www.hx168.com.cn 4eq2w
Huaxia Eye Hospital CN - 301267 Healthcare China +86 400 611 2222 www.huaxiaeye.com 07d4z
Huaxin Cement CN - 600801 Materials China +86 278 777 3896 www.huaxincem.com nm2nz
Hubei Dinglong CN - 300054 Semiconductors China +86 275 972 0699 dl-kg.com q72r0
Hubei Energy CN - 000883 Energy China +86 278 660 6100 www.hbny.com.cn mez2n
Hubei Feilihua Quartz Glass CN - 300395 Materials China +86 716 830 4668 www.feilihua.com r14qp
Hubei Xingfa Chemicals Group CN - 600141 Chemicals China +86 717 258 8385 www.xingfagroup.com ovj1m
Humanwell Healthcare CN - 600079 Biotechnology China +86 278 717 3710 www.en.humanwell.com.cn o4y45
Hunan Changyuan Lico CN - 688779 Electrical & Electronic Components China +86 731 8899 8112 www.cylico.com 4pwyr
Hunan Gold CN - 002155 Mining China +86 731 8229 0893 www.hngoldcorp.com 70zpx
Hunan Valin Steel CN - 000932 Metal China +86 731 8995 2704 valin.cn jo4qv
Hunan Yuneng New Energy Battery Material CN - 301358 Electrical & Electronic Components China +86 731 5827 0060 www.hunanyuneng.com v0zy5
Huolinhe Opencut Coal CN - 002128 Mining China +86 475 619 6970 www.zdhm.com.cn vw0np
Hwatsing Technology CN - 688120 Machinery China +86 225 978 1962 www.hwatsing.com 5pr6r
Infore Environment Technology CN - 000967 Electrical & Electronic Components China +86 575 8253 0802 www.inforeenviro.com rw6w1
Inner Mongolia Dazhong Mining CN - 001203 Mining China +86 472 521 6664 www.dzky.cn n6n28
Inner Mongolia First Machinery Group CN - 600967 Machinery China +86 472 311 7903 yjjt.norincogroup.com.cn e2me5
Inner Mongolia MengDian HuaNeng Thermal Power CN - 600863 Utilities China +86 471 622 2388 www.nmhdwz.com vwzrl
Innovation New Material Technology CN - 600361 Metal China +86 106 653 6198 www.innovationmetal.com ym187
Intco Medical Technology CN - 300677 Medical Equipment China +86 533 609 8999 www.intcomedical.com.cn oz5y5
iRay Technology CN - 688301 Medical Equipment China +86 215 072 0560 www.iraygroup.com vnpde
Irico Display Devices CN - 600707 Electrical & Electronic Components China +86 293 313 2781 www.chgf.com.cn 205z2
Isoftstone CN - 301236 Software China +86 105 874 9000 www.isoftstone.com 5movq
J-Yuan Trust CN - 600816 Financial Services China +86 216 341 0710 www.anxintrust.com pyvz1
Jafron Biomedical CN - 300529 Biotechnology China +86 756 361 9693 www.jafron.com px5qp
JCHX Mining Management CN - 603979 Mining China +86 108 256 1878 www.jchxmc.com 7z50x
Jiangsu Broadcasting Cable Information Network CN - 600959 Broadcasting China +86 258 318 7799 www.jscnnet.com me2el
Jiangsu Changshu Rural Commercial Bank CN - 601128 Banking China +86 512 5290 9021 www.csrcbank.com 20drx
Jiangsu Expressway CN - 600377 Ground Transportation China +86 258 446 0835 jsexpressway.com 9ym9r
Jiangsu Financial Leasing CN - 600901 Financial Services China +86 258 681 6908 www.jsleasing.cn/en 5e4ww
Jiangsu Guoxin CN - 002608 Energy China +86 258 467 9116 www.jsgxgf.com nvlrq
Jiangsu Nhwa Pharmaceutical CN - 002262 Pharmaceuticals China +86 516 8766 1189 www.nhwa-group.com yqoj5
Jiangsu Pacific Quartz CN - 603688 Precious Metals & Minerals China +86 518 8306 2922 en.quartzpacific.com d86r8
Jiangsu Phoenix Publishing & Media CN - 601928 Publishing China +86 258 365 8928 www.ppm.cn lw2w9
Jiangsu Xinquan Automotive Trim CN - 603179 Automotive China +86 519 8512 0170 xinquan.cn djr19
Jiangsu Xukuang Energy CN - 600925 Mining China +86 516 8532 0939 xknygf.com x84ww
Jiangsu Yangnong Chemical CN - 600486 Chemicals China +86 514 8756 8858 www.yangnong.com.cn 10vdq
Jiangsu Yoke Technology CN - 002409 Chemicals China +86 510 8712 6509 www.yokechem.com 0ep95
Jiangsu Yuyue Medical Equipment & Supply CN - 002223 Medical Equipment China +86 258 713 6530 www.yuyue.com.cn vw0z6
Jiangxi Hongdu Aviation Industry CN - 600316 Aerospace China +86 791 8766 8162 www.hongdu-aviation.com 6w6mw
Jilin Aodong Pharmaceutical CN - 000623 Pharmaceuticals China +86 433 622 2692 www.jlaod.com vw0wp
Jin Jiang Hotels CN - 600754 Hotels China +86 216 326 4000 hotels.jinjiang.com xynvp
Jinduicheng Molybdenum CN - 601958 Mining China +86 298 837 8623 www.jdcchina.com 565no
Jizhong Energy Resources CN - 000937 Mining China +86 319 209 8828 www.jznygf.com 29z1p
Jl Mag Rare-Earth CN - 300748 Metal China +86 797 806 8059 jlmag.com.cn od98w
Joincare Pharmaceutical CN - 600380 Pharmaceuticals China +86 755 8625 2388 www.joincare.com 5e0e0
Joinn Laboratories CN - 603127 Pharmaceuticals China +86 106 786 9966 www.joinnlaboratories.com owjw7
Jointown Pharmaceutical Group CN - 600998 Airlines China +86 278 468 3017 www.jzteyao.com 2wd8q
Jonjee Hi-Tech Industrial And Commercial Holding CN - 600872 Food China +86 760 8559 6818 www.jonjee.com vwz8p
Joyson Electronic CN - 600699 Automotive China +86 574 8790 7001 www.joyson.cn 70znn
Juewei Food CN - 603517 Food China +86 731 8984 2956 www.juewei.cn 6w4vr
Jumpcan Pharmaceutical CN - 600566 Pharmaceuticals China +86 523 8760 6428 www.jumpcan.com 80p5r
Juneyao Air CN - 603885 Airlines China +86 219 5520 global.juneyaoair.com ov2wm
Junshi Biosciences HK - 688180 Biotechnology China +86 212 024 8288 www.junshipharma.com e2jv4
Junzheng CN - 601216 Chemicals China +86 473 692 1012 www.junzhenggroup.com xw8vw
Kaifa CN - 000021 Electrical & Electronic Components China +86 755 8303 2000 www.kaifa.cn/index_enwap.aspx 2026q
Keboda Technology CN - 603786 Automotive China +86 216 097 8999 www.keboda.com qmwjn
Keda Clean Energy CN - 600499 Machinery China +86 757 2383 3869 www.kedachina.com.cn 6w4d5
Kingfa Sci & Tech CN - 600143 Plastics China +86 206 681 8881 www.kingfa.com lw6d9
KingMed Diagnostics CN - 603882 Biotechnology China +86 202 228 3222 www.kingmed.com.cn merjj
Kingnet Network CN - 002517 Video Games China +86 216 220 3181 www.kingnet.com lw6nr
Kuang-Chi CN - 002625 Telecommunications China +86 755 8658 1658 www.kuang-chi.com ww5xv
Kuka Home CN - 603816 Furniture China +86 571 8501 6595 kukagroup.com lw2p6
Lao Feng Xiang CN - 600612 Luxury Goods China +86 215 448 0605 www.laofengxiang.com 4q42w
LaoBaiXing CN - 603883 Pharmaceuticals China +86 731 8403 5189 www.lbxdrugs.com rzm07
Leaderdrive CN - 688017 Electrical & Electronic Components China +86 512 6636 2298 www.leaderdrive.com 66nm4
Lepu Medical CN - 300003 Medical Equipment China +86 108 012 0666 www.lepumedical.com 4ep6w
Levima Advanced Materials Corp CN - 003022 Materials China +86 632 222 6016 www.levima.cn 9xlv0
Leyard Optoelectronic CN - 300296 Electrical & Electronic Components China +86 106 286 4532 leyard.com vwr90
Liaoning Chengda CN - 600739 Industrial Conglomerates China +86 411 8251 2731 www.chengda.com.cn qm710
Liaoning Port CN - 601880 Maritime China +86 411 8279 8108 www.liaoganggf.cn pr0q
Linglong Tire CN - 601966 Automotive China +86 535 360 0036 www.linglong.cn qm2yj
Livzon Pharmaceutical Group CN - 000513 Pharmaceuticals China +86 756 813 5859 www.gyx66.com 5e0dw
Longsheng CN - 600352 Chemicals China +86 575 8204 2778 www.longsheng.com vw64e
LongShine Technology Group CN - 300682 Software China +86 8243 0973 www.longshine.co ld80y
Lujiazui Properties CN - 600663 Real Estate China +86 213 384 8801 www.ljz.com.cn qo5ee
Luxi CN - 000830 Chemicals China +86 635 348 1038 www.luxichemical.com 70z1v
Maanshan Iron and Steel CN - 600808 Metal China +86 555 288 3492 magang.com.cn r5yym
MeiHua Holdings Group CN - 600873 Chemicals China +86 316 235 9999 www.meihuagrp.com ld89y
Meijin Energy CN - 000723 Mining China +86 351 423 6095 www.mjenergy.cn jmqpo
Meinian Onehealth Healthcare CN - 002044 Healthcare China +86 216 677 3289 www.shop.health-100.cn z6wy5
MGI Tech CN - 688114 Biotechnology China +86 400 068 8114 en.mgi-tech.com 08yqo
Micro-Tech Nanjing CN - 688029 Medical Equipment China +86 255 864 6393 www.micro-tech.com.cn ywom7
Ming Yang Smart Energy CN - 601615 Consumer Electronics China +86 760 2813 8666 www.myse.com.cn 704er
Minmetals Capital CN - 600390 Holding China +86 106 849 5468 www.minfinance.com.cn lwmdy
Moons' CN - 603728 Electrical & Electronic Components China +86 215 263 4688 www.moons.com.cn rn267
Nanjing Iron & Steel CN - 600282 Metal China +86 255 707 2779 www.njsteel.com.cn vvo20
Nanjing King-Friend Biochemical Pharma CN - 603707 Pharmaceuticals China +86 258 699 0789 www.nkf-pharma.com yw5l7
Nanjing Securities CN - 601990 Holding China +86 258 336 7888 www.njzq.com.cn z0ovq
Newland Digital Technology CN - 000997 Software China +86 591 8397 9997 www.newlandcomputer.com 20507
Ningbo Orient Wires & Cables CN - 603606 Telecommunications China +86 574 8791 8560 www.orientcable.com/en/index.html 7peor
Ningbo Ronbay New Energy CN - 688005 Electrical & Electronic Components China +86 574 6273 0998 www.ronbaymat.com/index.php/En/ ryov7
Ningbo Sanxing Medical Electric CN - 601567 Energy China +86 574 8807 2272 www.sanxing.com djrz9
Ningbo Shanshan CN - 600884 Electrical & Electronic Components China +86 574 8820 8375 www.ssgf.net xwj1p
Ningbo Xusheng Group CN - 603305 Automotive China +86 574 5522 3689 nbxus.com d8p8m
North Industries Group Red Arrow CN - 000519 Defense & Space China +86 377 8388 0276 www.zbhj.norincogroup.com.cn pxyjq
North Navigation Control Technology CN - 600435 Defense & Space China +86 105 808 9788 www.bfdh.norincogroup.com.cn e2yv0
Offcn Education Technology CN - 002607 Education & Training China +86 108 343 3677 www.offcn.com e2yj2
Offshore Oil Engineering CN - 600583 Oil & Gas China +86 225 989 8888 cnoocengineering.com 0ox4r
Oriental Pearl Group CN - 600637 Broadcasting China +86 213 339 6666 www.opg.cn 7v01v
OriginWater CN - 300070 Environmental Services China +86 108 076 8888 en.originwater.com z06e5
Ovctek China CN - 300595 Medical Equipment China +86 551 6536 9079 www.orthok.cn 0qv68
Pangang Group Vanadium & Titanium Resources CN - 000629 Metal China +86 812 339 3695 pgvt.cn 10qee
People.cn CN - 603000 Media China +86 106 536 9999 www.people.cn rw2w9
Perfect World CN - 002624 Video Games China +86 105 780 5000 www.pwrd.com 58ymo
Pingdingshan Tianan Coal Mining CN - 601666 Mining China +86 375 272 3076 www.pmta.com.cn 6p842
Polaris Bay Group CN - 600155 Financial Services China +86 312 310 9607 www.baoshuogufen.cn pxy8q
Pylon Technologies CN - 688063 Energy China +86 215 131 7699 en.pylontech.com.cn 1qx8e
Qi An Xin Technology CN - 688561 Security China +86 105 650 9199 www.qianxin.com 1p02e
Qilu Bank CN - 601665 Banking China +86 531 8191 5664 www.qlbchina.com 1pw0q
Qingdao Port CN - 601298 Logistics China +86 532 8298 2011 www.qingdao-port.com/en 11218
Qingdao Rural Commercial Bank CN - 002958 Banking China +86 532 6695 7889 www.qrcb.com.cn 908vv
Qingdao Sentury Tire CN - 002984 Automotive China +86 532 6896 8612 senturytire.com.cn 4q4lw
Qingdao Tgood Electric CN - 300001 Electrical & Electronic Components China +86 532 8908 3000 www.qdtgood.com d2j19
Qixiang Tengda CN - 002408 Chemicals China +86 533 754 8066 www.qxtdgf.com nm198
Raytron CN - 688002 Electrical & Electronic Components China +86 535 341 0615 www.raytrontek.com 208eq
Red Avenue CN - 603650 Chemicals China +86 216 210 9966 www.rachem.com 804q0
Red Star Macalline Group CN - 601828 Retail China +86 215 282 0220 www.chinaredstar.com 112mq
RemeGen CN - 688331 Biotechnology China +86 535 611 3513 www.remegen.com 1pj8e
Risen Solar Technology CN - 300118 Energy China +86 574 5995 3588 www.risenenergy.com m79mp
Riyue Heavy Industry CN - 603218 Machinery China +86 574 5500 7019 www.riyuehi.com d0l84
Robam CN - 002508 Household Products China +86 571 8628 0607 www.robam.com ywqnv
Roborock CN - 688169 Consumer Electronics China +86 105 324 1660 www.roborock.com 1px9q
Rockchip CN - 603893 Semiconductors China +86 591 8399 1906 www.rock-chips.com vwln5
Ruijie Networks CN - 301165 Computer Hardware China +86 591 2805 3888 www.ruijienetworks.com l62v8
Sailun Group CN - 601058 Automotive China +86 400 660 8329 www.sailungroup.com 0ey58
Salubris CN - 002294 Pharmaceuticals China +86 755 8386788 www.salubris.com e2qj2
Sany Heavy Energy CN - 688349 Energy China +86 108 467 1906 sanyre.com.cn 08ypo
Sealand Securities CN - 000750 Financial Services China +86 771553 9300 www.ghzq.com.cn zz2n5
Seazen Group CN - 601155 Real Estate China +86 212 283 5888 www.seazengroup.com.cn dl5w8
Segway CN - 689009 Automotive China +86 108 4828 0026 segway.com ee422
Shaanxi Beiyuan Chemical Industry CN - 601568 Chemicals China +86 912 849 6888 www.sxbychem.com mwo0w
Shaanxi Energy Investment CN - 001286 Utilities China +86 296 335 5307 www.sxeicl.com mdxep
Shaanxi Huaqin Technology Industry CN - 688281 Defense & Space China +886 298 111 6100 www.huaqinkj.com p6mz8
Shaanxi International Trust CN - 000563 Holding China +86 298 889 7633 www.siti.com.cn mez6j
Shan XI Hua Yang Group New Energy CN - 600348 Mining China +86 351 725 5731 yqmy.ymjt.com.cn j1v21
Shandong Hi-speed CN - 600350 Construction China +86 531 8926 0052 www.sdhsg.com xwmp9
Shandong Himile Mechanical Science & Technology CN - 002595 Automotive China +86 536 236 1002 www.himile.com nmxvw
Shandong Iron & Steel Group CN - 600022 Metal China +86 531 6760 6712 www.sdsteel.cc nm1ew
Shandong Pharmaceutical Glass CN - 600529 Materials China +86 533 325 9028 www.pharmglass.com z080v
Shandong Publishing & Media CN - 601019 Publishing China +86 5318209-819 www.sdcbcm.com rw2rm
Shandong Sinocera Functional Material CN - 300285 Materials China +86 546 807 3606 www.sinocera.cn me4ew
Shanghai 2345 Network CN - 002195 Information Technology & Services China +86 216 482 2345 www.2345.net z0m4q
Shanghai Anlogic Infotech CN - 688107 Semiconductors China +86 216 163 3787 anlogic.com 7p2ln
Shanghai Bailian Group CN - 600827 Retail China +86 216 322 9537 www.bailian.sh.cn z074q
Shanghai Bairun Investment Holding Group CN - 002568 Beverages China +86 215 813 5000 www.bairun.net e26qm
Shanghai Construction CN - 600170 Construction China +86 215 588 5959 www.scg.com.cn w2xj0
Shanghai Electric Power CN - 600021 Utilities China +86 212 310 8718 www.shanghaipower.com v8p26
Shanghai Friendess Electronic Technology CN - 688188 Machinery China +86 216 430 6968 www.fscut.com 0ep7w
Shanghai Fudan Microelectronics CN - 688385 Semiconductors China +86 216 565 9100 www.fmsh.com qvp5e
Shanghai Jahwa CN - 600315 Cosmetics China +86 212 501 6000 www.jahwa.com.cn 5moz0
Shanghai Lingang CN - 600848 Real Estate China +86 216 485 5827 www.lingangholding.com 10d0m
Shanghai Tunnel Engineering CN - 600820 Construction China +86 215 830 1000 www.stecs.com.sg ywylw
Shanghai Yuyuan Tourist Mart CN - 600655 Real Estate China +86 212 302 9999 www.yuyuantm.com.cn xwe8j
Shanghai Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park Development CN - 600895 Real Estate China +86 213 895 9000 www.600895.com 20dwp
Shanxi Coal International Energy Group CN - 600546 Mining China +86 351 464 5546 www.smgjny.com mexwp
Shanxi Securities CN - 002500 Financial Services China +86 351 868 6905 www.sxzq.com/shouye/index.shtml 5e0oq
Shanxi Taigang Stainless Steel CN - 000825 Metal China +86 351 213 7728 tgbx.tisco.com.cn nmxmw
Shenergy CN - 600642 Oil & Gas China +86 216 390 0642 shenergy.net.cn ywmzv
Shenghe Resources CN - 600392 Mining China +86 286 436 2930 www.shengheholding.com/index.php?catid=38 qm2pn
Shenzhen Energy CN - 000027 Energy China +86 755 8368 4138 www.sec.com.cn e2my4
Shenzhen Fastprint Circuit Tech CN - 002436 Semiconductors China +86 755 2663 4452 en.chinafastprint.com 9je8r
Shenzhen Gas CN - 601139 Oil & Gas China +86 755 8866 0777 www.szgas.com.cn pxvwr
Shenzhen Kedali Industry CN - 002850 Electrical & Electronic Components China +86 755 6118 6666 www.kedali.com.cn ody07
Shenzhen Kinwong CN - 603228 Semiconductors China +86 755 8389 2180 www.kinwong.com pxv8q
Shenzhen Kstar Science & Technology CN - 002518 Electrical & Electronic Components China +86 755 8616 8479 www.kstar.com.cn qvr14
Shenzhen MTC CN - 002429 Consumer Electronics China +86 755 3361 4068 www.szmtc.com.cn me4ww
Shenzhen SC New Energy Technology CN - 300724 Semiconductors China +86 755 8144 9633 www.chinasc.com.cn/en/ ryonp
Shenzhen Sed Industry CN - 000032 Information Technology & Services China +86 755 8631 6073 www.sedind.com ym077
Shenzhen Senior Technology Material CN - 300568 Electrical & Electronic Components China +86 755 2138 3920 www.senior798.com r10m1
Shenzhen Sunlord Electronics CN - 002138 Electrical & Electronic Components China +86 755 2983 2586 www.sunlordinc.com ww7w8
Shenzhen Yuto Packaging Technology CN - 002831 Packaging China +86 755 3387 3999 www.szyuto.com/en nm1l8
Shenzhen Zhongjin Lingnan Nonfemet CN - 000060 Metal China +86 755 8347 4800 nonfemet.com r08lq
Shiji Group CN - 002153 Software China +86 105 932 5388 www.shijigroup.com ly8z9
Shougang CN - 000959 Metal China +86 8829 3442 shougang.com.cn 7960r
Shuangliang Eco-Energy Systems CN - 600481 Machinery China +86 510 8663 2358 www.shuangliang.com 7p2mn
Siasun Robot & Automation CN - 300024 Machinery China +86 213 102 1788 www.siasun.com 1wyn1
SICC CN - 688234 Semiconductors China +86 531 6990 0616 sicc.cc r146p
Sichuan Changhong Electric CN - 600839 Electrical & Electronic Components China +86 760 2313 8548 www.changhong.com oy75w
Sichuan New Energy Power CN - 000155 Chemicals China +86 286 209 5615 www.scwltd.com ody67
Sichuan Teway Food Group CN - 603317 Food China +86 282 808 188 www.teway.cn d2n0m
Sichuan Yahua Industrial Group CN - 002497 Chemicals China +86 288 532 5316 www.scyahua.com 2e8qp
Sieyuan Electric CN - 002028 Electrical & Electronic Components China +86 216 161 0471 en.sieyuan.com xwmln
Sinocelltech CN - 688520 Pharmaceuticals China +86 400 810 0520 www.sinocelltech.com p6mr8
Sinochem CN - 600500 Wholesale China +86 105 956 8888 www.sinochem.com 4nqeq
Sinolink Securities CN - 600109 Financial Services China +86 288 669 0365 www.gjzq.com.cn nmv47
Sinoma International Engineering CN - 600970 Engineering & Design China +86 106 439 9502 www.sinoma.com.cn/en/ d2r2o
Sinoma Science & Technology CN - 002080 Materials China +86 108 8433 9662 www.sinomatech.com pxdxr
Sinomach Heavy Equipment CN - 601399 Heavy Electrical Equipment China +86 838 6159209 www.sinomach-he.cn 1vzw1
Sinomine Resource CN - 002738 Mining China +86 105 881 9925 sinomine.cn 5pvqw
Sinopec Oilfield Service CN - 600871 Oil & Gas China +86 514 8323 2235 ssc.sinopec.com 8wdz2
Sinosoft CN - 603927 Software China +86 106 257 0007 www.sinosoft.com.cn wwm5v
Sinotrans CN - 601598 Package/Freight Delivery China +86 105 229 5721 www.sinotrans.com zdvl5
Skshu Paint CN - 603737 Chemicals China +86 594 288 6205 www.skshu.com.cn 4e9xr
SmartSens Technology CN - 688213 Semiconductors China +86 512 5191 1973 smartsenstech.com v098p
Songcheng Performance Development CN - 300144 Entertainment & Travel China +86 571 8709 1255 songcn.com 5eplr
Soochow Securities CN - 601555 Financial Services China +86 512 6293 8833 www.dwzq.com.cn zzvrj
Southwest Securities CN - 600369 Financial Services China +86 236 378 6433 www.swsc.com.cn qmd7j
StarPower Semiconductor CN - 603290 Semiconductors China +86 573 8258 5600 www.powersemi.cc d2p88
State Grid Information and Communication CN - 600131 Utilities China +86 287 731 485 www.sgitc.com 4e9pr
State Grid Yingda CN - 600517 Utilities China +86 215 179 6818 www.gwydgf.com qmzve
State Power Investment CN - 000958 Energy China +86 106 629 8000 www.spic.com.cn rwye7
Sun Paper CN - 002078 Real Estate China +86 537 792 5888 www.sunpapergroup.com pxyv8
Sunresin New Materials CN - 300487 Materials China +86 298 111 2902 www.sunresin.com z62o5
Suntien Green Energy CN - 600956 Oil & Gas China +86 311 8528 8896 www.suntien.com rwj17
Sunway Communication CN - 300136 Telecommunications China +86 755 8177 3388 www.sz-sunway.com.cn e2qo2
Sunwoda Electronic CN - 300207 Electrical & Electronic Components China +86 755 2951 6888 www.sunwoda.com z07dv
Suofeiya Home Collection CN - 002572 Furniture China +86 208 526 6180 www.sfygroup.com 801or
Supcon Technology CN - 688777 Machinery China +86 571 8666 7525 www.supcontech.com ryj81
Suzhou Novosense Microelectronics CN - 688052 Semiconductors China +86 512 6260 1802 novosns.com od9nw
Suzhou TFC Optical Communication CN - 300394 Electrical & Electronic Components China +86 512 6690 5892 www.tfcsz.com yqo65
Taiji Computer CN - 002368 Information Technology & Services China +86 105 770 2596 www.taiji.com.cn qm774
Talkweb Information System CN - 002261 Information Technology & Services China +86 731 8866 8270 www.talkweb.com.cn 1v8n4
Tangshan Jidong Cement CN - 000401 Materials China +86 315 308 3355 en.jdsn.com.cn 6w46r
Tangshan Port CN - 601000 Logistics China +86 315 291 6409 www.jtport.com pxyz8
Tasly Pharmaceutical Group CN - 600535 Pharmaceuticals China +86 222 673 6617 www.taslyint.com/list-74-1.html 10qr8
Tiandi Science & Technology CN - 600582 Heavy Electrical Equipment China +86 108 426 2803 tdtec.com rwn19
Tianfeng Securities CN - 601162 Financial Services China +86 278 761 8867 www.tfzq.com 90mje
Tianjin 712 Communication & Broadcasting CN - 603712 Telecommunications China +86 226 538 8293 www.712.cn 7041v
Tianjin Guangyu Development CN - 000537 Real Estate China +86 108 572 7702 www.gyfz000537.com 6w6qr
Tianjin Zhongxin Pharmaceutical CN - 600329 Pharmaceuticals China +86 222 702 0892 www.zhongxinp.com qm7m5
Tianma Microelectronics CN - 000050 Consumer Electronics China +86 755 8622 5886 www.tianma.com xwnwj
Tianneng Battery Group CN - 688819 Automotive China +86 572 617 6698 www.cn-tn.com 1pnze
Tianshan Aluminum CN - 002532 Metal China +86 993 290 8993 xjtsly.net ozr97
Tianshui Huatian Technology Co CN - 002185 Semiconductors China +86 938 863 1000 www.tshtkj.com vwywe
Titan Wind Energy Suzhou CN - 002531 Energy China +86 215 231 0063 www.titanwind.com.cn odym7
TongFu Microelectronics Co CN - 002156 Semiconductors China +86 513 8505 8888 www.tfme.com 4e0eq
Tonghua Dongbao Pharmaceutical CN - 600867 Pharmaceuticals China +86 435 508 8126 www.thdb.com med5q
Tongkun Group CN - 601233 Textiles China +86 573 8818 7878 www.zjtkgf.com 80r0m
Tongling Nonferrous Metals CN - 000630 Metal China +86 562 586 0016 tlys.cn no9qz
Topchoice Medical CN - 600763 Healthcare China +86 571 8892 3999 www.tcmedical.com.cn e2y70
Ultrapower CN - 300002 Information Technology & Services China +86 108 492 7606 www.ultrapower.com.cn 704zx
Universal Scientific Industrial Shanghai CN - 601231 Semiconductors China +86 215 896 6996 www.usish.com 47y7q
Vanchip Technology CN - 688153 Semiconductors China +86 226 583 2098 vanchip.com 6pxp9
Vasen CN - 002372 Plastics China +86 576 8522 5086 www.vasen.com pxym1
Venustech CN - 002439 IT Security China +86 108 277 9088 www.venustech.com.cn rwn9p
VeriSilicon CN - 688521 Semiconductors China +86 215 131 1118 www.verisilicon.com exem0
Wanda Film Holding CN - 002739 Movies China +86 108 558 7602 www.wandafilm.com 0ep8w
Wangfujing Group CN - 600859 Retail China +86 106 512 5960 www.wfj.com.cn 4e4e8
Wangsu Science & Technology CN - 300017 Internet China +86 108 451 9900 wangsu.com ww5rv
Wanxiang Group CN - 000559 Automotive China +86 571 8283 2999 www.wanxiang.com.cn jord1
Wasu Media Holding CN - 000156 Broadcasting China +86 571 2832 7789 www.wasu.com 20d57
Weiming Environment CN - 603568 Environmental Services China +86 577 8605 6018 www.cnweiming.com z070q
Western Mining CN - 601168 Mining China +86 971 612 3888 www.westmining.com lx808
Western Securities CN - 002673 Investment Banking China +86 298 740 6081 www.west95582.com 2j6r2
Western Superconducting Technologies CN - 688122 Materials China +86 298 651 4505 wstitanium.com er681
Westone Information Industry CN - 002268 IT Security China +86 286 238 6166 www.westone.com.cn 90j8r
Winner Medical CN - 300888 Medical Equipment China +86 755 2813 8888 www.winnermedical.com 0eqyz
Winning Health Technology Group CN - 300253 Semiconductors China +86 218 033 1033 www.winning.com.cn 5e4vv
Wintime Energy CN - 600157 Oil & Gas China +86 351 836 6507 wtecl.com 9y424
Wolong Electric Group CN - 600580 Machinery China +86 575 8239887 www.wolong-electric.com 80112
Wuchan Zhongda Group CN - 600704 Real Estate China +86 571 8705 4889 www.wuchanzhongda.cn o42ez
Wuhan DR Laser Technology CN - 300776 Energy China +86 510 8825 0996 www.drlaser.com.cn r10x1
Wuhan Guide Infrared CN - 002414 Consumer Electronics China +86 278 129 8268 www.wuhan-guide.com 90jq4
Wuhan Jingce Electronic CN - 300567 Heavy Electrical Equipment China +86 27 8752 691 wuhanjingce.com 1vd64
Wuhu Token Science CN - 300088 Consumer Electronics China +86 553 239 8888 www.token-ito.com lw65m
Wuxi Autowell Technology CN - 688516 Machinery China +86 510 8181 6658 www.wxautowell.com vnoe0
Xiamen C&D CN - 600153 Logistics China +86 592 226 3333 www.chinacdc.com xr4pj
Xiamen Faratronic CN - 600563 Electrical & Electronic Components China +86 592 620 8666 www.faratronic.com/en/index.asp rwny9
Xiamen ITG Group CN - 600755 Wholesale China +86 592 516 1888 www.itg.com.cn 4792q
Xiamen Tungsten CN - 600549 Precious Metals & Minerals China +86 592 536 3856 www.cxtc.com 20527
Xiangcai Co Ltd CN - 600095 Real Estate China +86 45 18434672 www.hgk-group.com 0eomz
Xiangtan Electric Manufacturing CN - 600416 Heavy Electrical Equipment China +86 731 5859 5252 xemc.com.cn 5e0yq
XinFengMing Group CN - 603225 Textiles China +86 573 8851 9583 www.xfmgroup.com nm2zz
Xinhu Zhongbao CN - 600208 Real Estate China +86 571 8739 5011 www.600208.net wz6nv
Xinxing Ductile Iron Pipes CN - 000778 Metal China +86 106 516 8826 xinxing-pipes.com 10v1m
XTC New Energy Materials Xiamen CN - 688778 Materials China +86 592 335 7677 www.xtc-xny.com d8zy4
Xuji Electric CN - 000400 Electrical & Electronic Components China +86 374 321 3660 www.xjec.com lw269
Yangling Metron New Material CN - 300861 Machinery China +86 298 704 9244 www.ylmetron.com d8658
Yangzhou Yangjie Electronic Technology CN - 300373 Semiconductors China +86 8088 9866 21yangjie.com 22re2
Yantai Jereh Oilfield Services CN - 002353 Oil & Gas China +86 535 676 6386 jereh.com d2jr4
Yifan Pharmaceutical CN - 002019 Pharmaceuticals China +86 571 6375 9205 en.yifanyy.com 70z0x
Yifeng Pharmacy Chain CN - 603939 Retail China +86 731 8995 3979 www.yfdyf.com 4e4do
Yongan Futures CN - 600927 Financial Services China +86 400 700 7878 www.yafco.com 0eyx8
Yonghui Superstores CN - 601933 Retail China +86 591 8376 2200 www.yonghui.cn yjyx5
Yongxing Materials CN - 002756 Metal China +86 572 2768605 yongxingbxg.com 2e8op
Youngor Group CN - 600177 Textiles China +86 574 8826 5571 www.youngor.com yrv0r
Yuan Longping High-Tech CN - 000998 Agriculture China +86 731 8218 3111 www.lpht.com.cn nw8jq
Yuanxing Energy CN - 000683 Chemicals China +86 477 813 9873 yuanxing.com 7pe6r
Yuexiu Financial Holdings CN - 000987 Financial Services China +86 208 883 6888 www.yuexiu-finance.com ovjz8
Yunda Express CN - 002120 Package/Freight Delivery China +86 213 929 1355 www.yundaex.com lwd0r
Yuneng Technology CN - 688348 Electrical & Electronic Components China +86 573 8398 6968 www.apsystems.cn x841w
Yunnan Chihong Zinc & Germanium CN - 600497 Precious Metals & Minerals China +86 874 896 6698 www.chxz.com qm7v5
Yunnan Copper CN - 000878 Metal China +86 871 6310 6739 ynty.chinalco.com.cn jm21o
Yunnan Tin CN - 000960 Metal China +86 873 311 8606 www.ytl.com.cn 4eqx8
Yunnan Yuntianhua CN - 600096 Chemicals China +86 871 6432 7127 www.yyth.com.cn rymvq
Yutong Group CN - 600066 Automotive China +86 371 6671 8999 www.yutong.com 9y5dr
Zhefu Holding Group CN - 002266 Machinery China +86 571 6996 9388 www.zhefu.cn wwv5m
Zhejiang Crystal-Optech CN - 002273 Consumer Electronics China +86 576 8981 1900 www.crystal-optech.com pxy1p
Zhejiang Dingli Machinery CN - 603338 Heavy Electrical Equipment China +86 572 868 1688 cndingli.com 20v0x
Zhejiang Hailiang CN - 002203 Metal China +86 575 8706 3852 hailiang.com qmwmn
Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceutical CN - 600521 Pharmaceuticals China +86 576 8599 1096 www.huahaipharm.com mezel
Zhejiang Jiuzhou Pharmaceutical CN - 603456 Chemicals China +86 576 8870 6789 www.jiuzhoupharma.com 0eper
Zhejiang Provincial New Energy Investment CN - 600032 Energy China +86 571 8666 4353 zjenergy.com.cn 08x4o
Zhejiang Sanmei Chemical Industry CN - 603379 Chemicals China +86 579 8764 1888 www.sanmeichem.com ww758
Zhejiang Semir Garment CN - 002563 Apparel China +86 216 728 8431 www.semir.com 90400
Zhejiang Shuanghuan Driveline CN - 002472 Machinery China +86 571 8167 1018 www.gearsnet.com w5m2v
Zhejiang Wolwo Bio-Pharmaceutical CN - 300357 Pharmaceuticals China +86 572 835 0682 www.wolwobiotech.com 5elxv
Zhengzhou Coal Mining Machinery Group CN - 601717 Machinery China +86 371 6789 1015 zzmj.com nm26v
Zhongding Group CN - 000887 Plastics China +86 563 418 1887 www.zhongdinggroup.com ywmmy
Zhongfu Shenying Carbon Fiber CN - 688295 Metal China +86 518 8607 0140 zfsycf.com.cn w5dmv
Zhonghang Electronic Measuring Instruments CN - 300114 Electrical & Electronic Components China +86 296 180 7799 www.zemic.com.cn z6wz5
Zhuhai CosMX Battery CN - 688772 Electrical & Electronic Components China +86 756 632 1988 www.cosmx.com 6p8n2
Zhuzhou Kibing Group CN - 601636 Materials China +86 596 569 9668 www.kibing-glass.com/#1 lelqy