Biography of Berke Bakay

Last update: February 22, 2024


Berke was Manager and Compliance Officer at BBS Capital Fund, LP, and Director at BBS Capital Management, LP. Berke Bakay joined Kona Grill in 2012. A merit based scholarship with a concentration in Finance from Boston College Carroll School of Management

Berke Bakay is currently

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Berke Bakay has a Bachelor of Science from Boston College - Carroll School of Management and a Master of Science from Boston College - Carroll School of Management.

They have also studied at Boston College - Carroll School of Management :

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They have also studied at Boston College - Carroll School of Management :

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  • In the Restaurants industry, Berke Bakay has 10,569 colleagues in 659 companies located in 44 countries. 6,553 executive movements have been recorded in the last 12 months. Learn more about Restaurants.

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