Results of your search

    3 Results
  • Anthony Capuano - President and Chief Executive Officer - has a Bachelor from Cornell University - School of Hotel Administration.
    Matthew Von Ertfelda - Senior Vice President of Food and Beverage, US and Canada Operation - has a Bachelor of Science Degree with DistinctionDomaine d’étudesHotel ManagementRésultat obtenuTop 5% of Graduating Class from Cornell University - School of Hotel Administration and Certificate of CompletionDomaine d’étudesExecutive Education from Marriott Executive Education Program.
    Marriott International - Hotels - United States (USA)
  • Michael Gross - Chief Executive Officer - graduated from Cornell University - School of Hotel Administration.
  • Linda Yau - Senior Vice President, Investments - has a Bachelor of Science from Cornell University - School of Hotel Administration.
    Thomas Fisher - Co-President and Chief Investment Officer - has a Bachelor of Science from Cornell University - School of Hotel Administration.
    Jennifer Yager - Vice President, Investments - has a Bachelor of Science from Cornell University - School of Hotel Administration.
    Pebblebrook Hotel Trust - Real Estate - United States (USA)

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