In the ever-evolving landscape of organizational structures, agility reigns supreme. Every twelve months, an astonishing 40% of executives within medium and large companies undergo shifts in job titles, showcasing the fluidity and adaptability inherent in modern corporate environments. These shifts, driven by a myriad of factors including internal promotions, external hires, and resignations, present a… More
Read more...Growth
The Rising Demand for Executives
Despite widespread cost-cutting, the demand for executives is increasing, underscoring the continued importance of their roles within medium and large companies worldwide. Evolution of corporate ranks The number of executives in corporate leadership has surged, with a 9% increase in 2022 followed by a subsequent 4% rise in 2023. The N-2 roles (reporting to an… More
Read more...Matching Two Databases on Company Names
5 minutes’ reading – Download or Print Keeping your data lake up to date with information on decision makers, potential needs, and financials databases is an incredibly valuable tool to bolster your customer database and deepen your understanding of the market. The good news is that you’ve already identified the top data sources for your… More
Read more...Growing (and Shrinking) Functions at the Top
Print or Download Confronting challenges that are rapidly evolving and others that are newly emerging, the world’s largest companies have understandably adjusted their C-suites to align their executive management teams for organizational success amidst these challenges. Over the past four years, we have carefully observed some profound and significant changes in C-suites at the world’s… More
Read more...Account-Based Marketing 2.0
This year, US business to business online sales will top $9 trillion. Nearly every company engaged in this large and growing sector would likely acknowledge that the key to its past growth owes much to the emergence of account-based marketing. Every indication shows that account-based marketing will remain a centerpiece to exploding sales in the… More
Read more...12 Emerging C-Level Positions
Print or Save in PDF On business cards and on LinkedIn profiles too, business titles are the epicenter of the corporate ladder of power and professional recognition. When new business titles emerge, they are likely to be much more than mere semantics. More commonly, they reveal deeper shifts in corporate strategies and directions. We have observed that 12 C-level… More
Read more...21 Hacks for Your Business Intelligence
The earliest known use of the term “Business Intelligence” (BI) dates back to 1865. It was found in the Cyclopædia of Commercial and Business Anecdotes. The author used the term to describe how an English trader gained profit by receiving and acting upon information prior to his competitors. Today, while BI is booming, this is… More
Read more...The Best BtoB Sales Triggers
Business to business (BtoB) customers typically search the web before contacting a potential supplier. One would think that this would accelerate the BtoB selling cycle, but experience shows that just the opposite is happening. Why is this? When some steps in the selling process are shortened, others are lengthened because customers are assessing their options… More
Read more...Seizing Sales Triggers
There is perhaps no greater opportunity for a business than reaching the right person with the right message at the right time. But how do we know when the sales stars are aligned? When events are unfolding with prospects, experienced sales people know that their prospects are more likely to quickly place an order. Such… More
Read more...It’s Better to Address God Than His Saints
The French, we have a proverb that, translated to English, goes like this: It’s better to address God than His Saints. In no profession is it more applicable than sales, where the difference between success and failure is reaching the right person with the right message at the right time. But who is the… More
Read more...In vast Twitter universe, five corporate executives who do it (very) well
The social media site Twitter is now utilized by over 300 million people worldwide. Its vital role as a component of a company’s corporate brand and messaging is beyond dispute. There are plenty of indications the influence and users of Twitter will continue growing substantially in years to come. While most corporate Twitter presence to… More
Read more...Seven Trends Poised to Drive Business Development
In recent weeks, we have highlighted trends likely to impact the executive recruiting and management consulting industries in the year to come. We conclude with a look at one of the most vital functions of any company: business development. There is every good reason to believe the year to come offers a continuation of some… More
Read more...Seven Trends for Management Consulting in 2015
Management consultants have good reason for cheer. Their industry segment in the US only has grown over 4% every year since 2009, reaching $165 billion in 2014 (IbisWorld). Their revenue is poised to keep growing in the year to come. 2015 also presents new realities and challenges in an industry that is ever-evolving and that is impacted by… More
Read more...Five Apps for Sales and Business Development
For the sales professional, the diverse, vast and hugely critical functional responsibilities associated with the sales function have led to the development of literally thousands of apps that may be useful in various components of the sales process. As we did in our prior posts for CFOs and HR professionals, however, we have honed in… More
Read more...9 tips on how successful consultants obtain new customers.
Successful consultants pursue 3 primary approaches to their business development: • They expand their services with their current customers, • They gather and utilize facts on emerging market trends, • They broaden their customers’ base. Enyoy their 9 tips!
Read more...Software powers the World
Software and Digital are game changers that have become highly sophisticated. They require hard work from smart, experienced specialists. The good news is that those specialists now exist!