Viewed in Inc. In 1999, a groundbreaking approach to increasing workplace productivity was uncovered by a Harvard researcher. Astonishingly, this solution remains just as relevant in 2023, yet it hasn’t been widely embraced. Constant interruptions Leslie Perlow, a pioneer at the University of Michigan, identified a common problem known as “time famine” – the feeling… More
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Spy agents’ 8 ways to sabotage business meetings
Viewed in Inc. A Spy Agency taught agents 8 Techniques to sabotage business meetings 79 years ago. Regrettably, you will still encounter most of them in meetings, this explains how strategies used by spies in 1944 are still used in meetings today. During World War II, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) provided training to… More
Read more...Four simple tricks successful people use to be more likable
Viewed in Inc. Having a high likability factor involves numerous factors. Many people become so obsessed with being likable that they do over-the-top things. However, the tricks behind becoming more likable do not involve any rocket science but are way too simple and basic. Here are four simple tricks to follow to become more socially,… More
Read more...How Can You Be Sure Someone Has Exceptional Leadership Skills? It Comes Down to 2 Words
Viewed in Inc. It could well be that the most important skill in contemporary business leadership is one of the skills very rarely taught—and it is creating a serious challenge, some might even say a crisis, for organizations who rely of effective leadership to succeed organizationally. Listening The skill, namely, is listening, and it has… More
Read more...How Emotionally Intelligent People Use the 4-Second Rule to Become Exceptionally Persuasive
Viewed in Inc. We have all likely heard about the so-called awkward pause—that moment of silence that, no matter the substance, can tarnish a conversation. But how long exactly does the silence need to endure before becoming quantifiably awkward? Awkward pause We live an era where just about everything is assessed and measured, and so… More
Read more...4 Red Flags That Actually Prove You’re Smarter Than You Think, Backed by Science
Viewed in Inc. Perhaps you are one of those executives, managers, or employees who is aware you have one or more of the following four work traits perceived to be (at best) unconventional and (at worst) dysfunctional: Procrastination, indecisiveness, an preference for self-isolation, or a preference for starting your work day late and working into… More
Read more...The 4 things every entrepreneur must do to thrive during the pandemic
Viewed in Inc. “Running a small biz is never easy,” Shark Tank star and billionaire Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban told the National Small Business Week Virtual Summit last month. “But we chose this life,” he reminded them. Running a small business is challenging Even in the most normal times, what Cuban properly calls “this… More
Read more...The 5 Hybrid and Remote Work Models for Your Business
Viewed in Inc. Even in normal business times, business terms are seemingly ever-evolving and ever-emerging. But when a crisis, opportunity, or trend emerges, these new business terms develop at even an even more rapid pace. Keep pace with change In such scenarios, the burden falls on executives, managers, and employees to keep pace with new… More
Read more...8 Brilliant Things you Can Do to Increase your Emotional Intelligence
Viewed in Inc. What is “emotional intelligence”? Before the phrase gained prominence in the mid-1990s following publication of a book by the same name by science journalist Daniel Goleman, it is not something most executives could answer. Ability to recognize the emotions of others But in the years since, its definition—“the ability to recognize, understand,… More
Read more...How emotionally intelligent people act when provoked
Viewed in Inc. Human interaction is an essential part of work life. But let’s face it: Not all colleagues make it easy. Nemesis Fairly commonly, people have one or more individuals in their professional orbit who are particularly difficult. Sometimes they may even be a nemesis. Emotion management This is where “emotional intelligence” comes in,… More
Read more...Warren Buffet says 4 choices in life separate the doers from the dreamers
Viewed in Inc. Global business and finance icons have many extraordinary attributes, but it’s rare to find many whose public comments and words resonate throughout the world and sometimes end up leading to vast rethinking of established business norms and practices. But Warren Buffet, the legendary chief executive officer of Berkshire Hathaway, the U.S.-based multinational… More
Read more...Jeff Bezos just published a 4,000-word statement to Congress. It’s a master class in emotional intelligence
Viewed in Inc. This past July, four of big technology’s chief executives—Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, Apple’s Tim Cook, Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, and Google’s Sundar Pinchai—were summoned to appear before the U.S. Congress. Each also submitted written statements. But at 4.540 words, Bezos’ written statement was both the longest and most remarkable. Inc. contributing writer Justin Bariso… More
Read more...Businesses are ready to embrace remote work. Employees aren’t convinced
Viewed in Inc. A vast number of global employees have been forced into remote work because of the coronavirus pandemic. Nor do we yet know for sure when the pandemic will end or when exactly employees will be safe to return to work. Once that moment arrives, however, will employees actually want to return to… More
Read more...Jeff Bezos taught a big leadership lesson in 5 simple words
Viewed in Inc. Amazon’s success a company is beyond dispute. Its business model is proving almost perfectly suited to our 21st century needs, and it ranks today as one of the world’s leading companies by nearly every metric. Despite this success, however, the company has not been immune from criticism. Those criticisms have included the… More
Read more...Need more than 24 hours in your day? Here are 5 powerful ways to make more time
Viewed in Inc. We live in a work culture where the word “yes” is inherently the answer when we are asked to take on new projects or assignments. “Sometimes we say yes to assignments or projects because we don’t want to come across as incompetent or lazy. Or, we will say yes out of guilt… More
Read more...Tim Cook has five go-to words for controlling the narrative at Apple: “The way I see it”
Viewed in Inc. “Good communicators know how they’re going to answer questions about their company’s products, financials, or vision. They don’t ramble or give convoluted responses. They use words that are precise and assertive. And there are few leaders who do it better than Apple CEO Tim Cook,” Carmine Gallo writes. But what words are… More
Read more...Why Most People Don’t Become Productive
(Despite Trying Really Hard) Viewed in Inc. Despite the best of intentions, most people struggle with productivity. But what can be done to overcome this? Inc. contributor Matt Plummer identifies four not so obvious and even counter intuitive solutions: First, think in terms of high “present value.” This means that investing time up front to… More