Why you should consider setting up a Tech Advisory Board

Viewed in Russell Reynolds

Discover the growing trend of Tech Advisory Boards and how they can help organizations navigate the ever-changing technological landscape.

Bridging the tech talent gap

These boards provide strategic guidance and expertise from industry experts, thought leaders, and technology professionals. Their insights can help companies strategize in digital domains, make acquisitions, and stay ahead of the competition.

Benefits of having a Tech Advisory Board

The benefits of having a Tech Advisory Board are numerous, including embracing technology, supporting digital maturity, enhancing agility and transformation, fostering external connectivity, managing talent, and creating a learning environment.

To be effective, the board needs a diverse mix of expertise, from technology leaders to startup founders and R&D specialists.

Establishing a Tech Advisory Board

Establishing a Tech Advisory Board requires defining its purpose, structuring governance, gaining leadership buy-in, selecting the right candidates, onboarding effectively, promoting collaborative culture, and continuously evaluating performance.

Common pitfalls

However, there are common pitfalls to avoid, such as unclear objectives, getting too involved in execution, conflicts with the board of directors, weak leadership, lack of diversity, and undercommitment.

When setting up a board, it’s crucial to consider its purpose, alignment with the business, operational aspects, and conflict management.


A Tech Advisory Board is an invaluable asset for companies wanting to leverage the power of technology.

By careful planning, gathering diverse expertise, setting clear objectives, and fostering collaboration, organizations can successfully navigate the complex digital landscape with the help of their advisory board.

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